Samir Bioud
Hey, my name is Samir and I breathe ✨ Software ✨
About Me
- Favorite Language: Rust
- Currently working On: Induct
- Age:
- Studying: Immersive Software Engineering
- Area of Interest: Compilers and Embedded Systems
Things I've Achieved
- Won the MongoDB scholarship for ISE
- Been awarded with an Emergent Ventures grant in order to continue working on Induct
- Participated in the Patch 2023 cohort
- Won the 2022 TECS programming competition with my compiler
- Chess Engine (Rust) (2024) - My second attempt at building a chess engine, where I hope to make it more robust and faster, with a better agent as well
- FSM Library (2023) - Where I basically re-invented Finite State Machines without knowing about them, by extending the idea of a prefix tree
- Chess Engine (2023) - Which I built for my Leaving Certificate CS course
- The Quinoa Programming Language (2022) - Which I built for shits and giggles, and won this competition
Backend Web Framework (2021) - Which I also built for shits and
giggles, with a few different dependencies
- Routing Library - My First Exposure to proper DS&A
- JSON Schema Validatior